Fat cats and big ideas

Here I am all set up with my laptop to get productive and do some writing. And there's a fat cat laying across my keyboard. Then I get distracted with a 5 year old request and by the time I get back to my computer to write again, there's another fat cat on my keyboard. No lie, this happened within an hour of each other. Why are my fat cats laying on my keyboard? Well in all honesty no one really knows why a cat does what it does, and it makes no apologies for it's actions. So it is what it is.
I have this excellent idea that came to me yesterday for another art workshop. Most of you might be familiar with my art from the heart painting parties, and this one will for sure not disappoint, but I planned to sit down and write it all out this morning, and now I think my cats were trying to tell me something, that the planning and creation of a workshop isn't about writing and planning, it's about doing, and trying. So I am taking the cue from the fat cats, and the rest of the afternoon, getting my hands dirty in paint and trying out my new idea myself.

What ideas do you have that you spend too much time planning, and not doing? Maybe this is your fat cat cue telling you to just do.....too.
Enjoy your day!